Sep 25, 2022

Updates: Another Work-in-Progress


Hi there!

I know that this is kind of weird and somewhat exasperating but I am only posting to announce that unfortunately, I have parked many of my other works in progress and started a new one. Well, what can I do? I have a very short attention span and I just can't find the groove to finish whatever work-in-progress that I currently have. And it does not help that I keep on hitting a barrier whenever I sit down and map out the rest of the succeeding scenes. Geez, my mind is motivated to finish at least even one WIP but my heart is not just in it. But surprisingly, I am motivated and inspired enough to start a new WIP. This time, I am writing a children's book because I have this crazy idea of getting pregnant and raising a child and I am going to read to him/her the story that I myself wrote. Well, it's crazy I know but whatever. You take whatever inspiration gives you. 

As of now, I am still on Chapter 1 and I am just writing whatever scene that comes to mind. I have not yet come to a point wherein I take out my handy notebook and start creating those complicated lines to lay-out the succeeding scenarios for the book. I did try another writing application though which is Smart Edit Writer and so far, so good. It's nothing like Scrivener but it's pretty straightforward and has all the features that I needed for a writing application. I really hope that it would help me stay focus and motivated. 

Uhmmm...what else? I think that's all for this brief update. I honestly don't have all the details yet. It really is just a children's book whose mythos is heavily inspired by Filipino mythology. Yep, that's all that I can say for now. :D
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