Aug 8, 2021

I'm Kind Of Back


Hi there!

Wow. I can't believe that I'll be visiting this blog and even contemplating about trying my hands on writing again. Hah. Believe me, I have more than 10 writings-in-progress and so far, none of them is going to be completed any time soon. 

Life has caught up with me and given my personality, I just felt the need to explore new interests like going into ornamental planting, experimenting with a new fitness and diet style, and exotic pets. I did not stop reading and playing online games though. But during those times, I just feel like I have to step away from all the writing and limit myself to journal, poem, and musings writings for the day. But beyond this, I often spend my day on work, procrastination, reading and other interests.

It is with wonder that I am writing this post right now because holy cow, I can't believe that I am determined to start writing again even though the amount of my WIPS is unnerving. Hahaha. I may finish some of them and some will be left to the hands of the book gods.  Needless to say that I will be writing a totally new book, the details I have yet to announce in the near future. I just can't jinx it right now. LOL. I already have the crudest outline on mind and will hopefully, put them into writing on my Notion. 

I am also planning to join the Nanowrimo this year and I sincerely hope that the aforementioned novel will be my entry. I'm not sure if I have mentioned somewhere in this blog that I joined Nanowrimo 2015 and that was a total fiasco. Yeah, I know. I will put up another post on what happened, what went wrong, what could have I done about it sometime in the future. But I am really crossing my fingers with this one. 

For now, what I can tell about my novel is that it's definitely intimate in the sense that it's gonna heavily borrow from a real life story. I hope that I can write it with justice. 

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